Any yes response: Dental care should be delayed for two weeks, please self-isolate and contact your primary care provider for guidance and/or visit your local COVID-19 testing centre — KFL&A - 613-354-8254 (9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday).
Be advised:
We will email a second COVID-19 Patient Screening Form, as well as a Patient Acknowledgement Form on the day of your appointment to be completed prior to arriving at your scheduled time. Please select “In-Office” for the second screening form.
To bring your own mask or face covering
Only patients with appointments are allowed to enter the clinical area.
If parents of young children, or children of elderly parents want to accompany the patient, they must be pre-screened as well on a separate screening form
Hygienists are hand scaling only — No polishing or use of ultrasonic scalers as per CDHO at this time
When you arrive at the office, you will be asked to:
Confirm that you’ve completed the Patient Acknowledgement Form & In-Office Pre-Screening Form
Perform hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand rub (ie: hand sanitizer)
Have your temperature taken
Maintain physical distancing (2 metres)
Keep your mask or face covering on at all times, except at the time of treatment