The connection between oral health and overall well-being is a vital one.
Chronic inflammation is a serious health concern and can be made better or worse with diet.
Periodontal health which involves the gum Issue and bone support surrounding our teeth,
can be improved, and maintained with quality nutrients and the reduction of toxins. So, what
foods cause inflammation? Below is a list of inflammatory foods that experts recommend
avoiding, and practices that can be integrated into your life for better overall health.
The Core-Four Pro-Inflammatory Foods:
-Grains containing Gluten. Better options are white rice, potatoes, squash.
-Conventional Dairy. Better options are clean dairy alternatives-read the labels.
-Refined and processed sugars. Many foods contain “hidden sugar”.
-Vegetable and Seed Oils: Better options are olive, avocado.
-Opting for whole real food like vegetables, fruit, and animal proteins, and avoiding processed
food which contain preservatives and hidden sugar. It is estimated there are over 50 names for
added sugar in prepared commercial foods.
-For optimal mineral uptake use unrefined sea salt like Redmond or Celtic.
-Proper Hydration is essential and should include 2-3 litres of clean water per day. This can be
natural spring, distilled or reverse osmosis.
-Supplements for Micro nutrients include Vitamins D, K2, C in addition to Magnesium and
Omega 3.
-Quality Sleep
Lifestyle changes that can help reduce inflammation include ensuring quality sleep. This can be
achieved with good sleep hygiene. Retiring in a quiet, dark, pet-free room absent of electronic
devices and television will aid in the best environment for proper sleep. Managing stress,
reducing screen time, regular movement throughout the day, including time outdoors all help
to reduce inflammation and benefit physical and mental health.