More and more research on the importance of Vitamin D for a variety of functions has come to light over the last few years. At a lecture in Nashville last fall I heard from a leading Neurologist, Dr. Stasha Gominak, MD, about the importance of Vitamin D in sleep quality. Sleep as we now know being a critical factor for healing and physiologic rejuvenation. Recent research also shows that Vitamin D levels significantly impact the severity of the reaction and recovery to the corona virus. The benefits extend beyond healthy bone metabolism, critical for healing of dental surgical sites including implants. Indeed, Dr. Karl Volz at Swiss Dental Solutions ( ) , a progressive ceramic implant clinic and teaching center in Switzerland, insists on a level of 70 ng/ml (equivalent to 175 nmol/L in Canada), before even considering surgery. I was fortunate to spend two days with Dr. Volz at a two day workshop in New Orleans in early March just before COVID hit. He spent considerable time reviewing the Vitamin D literature and his rationale for his strict requirement.
As a consequence I feel that the level of this vital vitamin / hormone be known, and optimized, before the consideration of any significant surgical interventions, including complex extractions, grafting procedures and the placement of implants. Patients with sleep issues should also have their levels tested. Many patients report taking Vitamin D3 supplements and insist they are fine. Early experience is showing that many of these patients are testing out very low, below the threshold of 75 nmol/L. Two tests I received today were in the low 50’s. We are asking patients to either have their own physicians order the test or have one done with a test kit from This organization will supply tests kits, do an analysis and send you a report. On the basis of the report there is an online calculator that will help you determine the ideal supplementation required to reach a desired level. See the link below.
The conversion to Canadian testing is: 2.5 X ng/ml (U.S.) = nmol/L (Canadian)
The reference ranges are: 40-80 ng/ml and 75-250 nmol/L, respectively.
The recommendation is that the supplement be taken for at least three months and then retested. We are requiring levels to be at a minimum 125 nmol/L. Please note that it is very important to take Vitamin K at the same time as it acts synergistically with vitamin D3 to optimize bone health. The dose for Vitamin K is 100mcg. In any event I think the above website is a good resource to help your understand this important nutrient.
For further questions please contact our office.