Sydenham Family Dental | Biological & Comprehensive Dentistry


Dentistry Blog

Why Does My Child Still Have Cavities?

I have had several parents over the last couple of years express the same frustration. Essentially...

The Truth about Dental “Insurance”

The Truth about Dental Insurance Originally posted by my colleague Dr. Mac Lee on October 4, 2011...

Dental Sleep Appliance Options

Because we have special training in Dental Sleep Medicine we get frequent referrals and inquiries...

The Root Canal Controversey

Our practice gets calls everyday about root canal therapy and it has been an area of great...

XRay Relative Radiation Risk

MEASURING THE SAFETY OF DENTAL X-RAYS Occasionally, we find patients who are apprehensive about...

So Why Can’t I have a ‘Night guard’?

Every once in a while we field calls out of the blue from folks wanting a ‘night guard’. Some have...

My Tooth Needs a ‘Crown’ but I Don’t Want a Root Canal (RCT)

This issue comes up a lot in all dental practices but more so in biological dental practices because...

Vitamin D testing

More and more research on the importance of Vitamin D for a variety of functions has come to light...

Teledentistry Services

We are a small biologically driven practice that has unique services and skills acquired over thirty...


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